CM Punk: 10 Talking Points About His WWE Exit And Future Return

7. Why Do People Still Think It's All A Work?

A large portion of internet wrestling forums are still throwing about theories on how the Punk exit could be a work, predicting he will now make some sort of big worked shoot return at WrestleMania or further down the line. The fact this idea didn't come to reality at Chicago Raw, the perfect opportunity, makes the work theory very, very unlikely. Punk left for real reasons and remains away because he genuinely doesn't enjoy his place in WWE any more. Could it still become a work? Perhaps. A further conversation between Vince McMahon and CM Punk could force the issue. With a shock entrance spot at WrestleMania, Punk could certainly be tempted, it would give him one of the loudest pops ever heard and a legendary WrestleMania moment. Not to mention a no doubt nice pay bonus. It would be an absolute treat for us fans. In truth, don't hold your breath. Fans are theorising about it being a work because they are hoping he returns, fans will try to rationalise their desire any way they can. The addition of some peculiarities (an action figure in production, a Mania t-shirt) and the continued silence are helping to fuel the remaining work theories. Until we get something concrete from WWE, fans will continue to believe that there's a chance CM Punk could return, but it is vastly improbable.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.