CM Punk: 10 Talking Points About His WWE Exit And Future Return

8. Why Won't CM Punk Talk?

Cm Punk Ice Cream Bars On the flip side of WWE not commenting on the situation is CM Punk's continued silence. Why wouldn't he shed some light on the dispute? He's certainly been very vocal in the past. At first the suspicion was Punk remained silent in order to further the stir. After all, he loves a bit of controversy, so by not passing comment he only created much greater interest in his cause. The lack of answers has led to the questions being asked louder and louder. However, as time has gone on, the suspicion is now that Punk is in fact legally unable to pass comment. It isn't a case of him being all cool and being quiet to create mystique, it looks more likely he is unable to say anything due to his continuing WWE contract. Even so much as a tweet could be violating some sort of agreement between Punk and McMahon on the nature of his absence. As such, we probably won't get the full story from WWE or CM Punk until his contract expires in July. At that point he will officially be a free man, independent from World Wrestling Entertainment. The company may choose to give him an ironic "future endeavours" message on, or they'll simply remove him without mention. Punk also may choose to say nothing, he has perhaps moved on €” although with the question continually following him around it will surely be a matter of time before he does give us something in the way of an explanation. On the other hand, maybe he is free to say what he wants just now. Imagine this scenario €” a bitter Punk times his first public comments in the form of tweeting for the night of WrestleMania 30. The story would totally overshadow Vince's big production. The Machiavellian Phil Brooks may be biding his time.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.