CM Punk: 10 Talking Points About His WWE Exit And Future Return

4. Was Punk In The Wrong Or The Right?

The Punk walkout has really split fans on the right and wrong of it all. The initial reaction to Punk's exit was overwhelmingly positive in favour of Punk, with scathing criticism of WWE as if they had forced the situation. As time has gone on, this has reversed, many people now see Punk with negative connotations €” a guy who unprofessionally and selfishly walked out on the job he is paid to do. The reason for the growing negativity toward Punk's decision is understandable, most of us would never dream of walking out on our employer, we need the pay cheque and are professionals. By walking out of the office so to speak, Punk has acted like somewhat of a prima donna, he's too rich to worry about consequences, he can do what he wants. It's hardly an endearing attitude to the working class people who have put him where he is. People had put money into WWE shows thinking they would see Punk, he left many fans disappointed. He's able to perform, he just doesn't want to. To say Phil Brooks was right or wrong is up to you the reader. Perspectives will be different and not knowing the full story means we can't offer a full verdict. One thing for sure, the WWE has certainly been a poorer place without him, hence us the fans have suffered as a result of his exit.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.