CM Punk: 10 Talking Points About His WWE Exit And Future Return

3. The Burial Campaign Has Started

As we move forward and away from the Punk story, it ends with the WWE trying to get some late digs in at the star. They were unable to do this earlier because they harboured hope of having Punk return, with that now off the table, the claws have come out. He has been removed from video packages. Scripted comments are obviously relating to him. The company will probably further ridicule his "taking the ball and going home" in future spun off segments. That's the way WWE do business. We seen the company do this most notably with Steve Austin in 2002. He walkout over creative was strikingly similar to CM Punk's quitting. WWE absolutely smeared Austin in deliberate promos about how he wasn't a team player and the most demanding talent ever. The ship has sailed for WWE to now do direct smears on Punk, but indirect digs will now no doubt be the order of the day. Are WWE right to do this? Well, it's their prerogative. It doesn't really achieve anything, Punk most likely isn't watching and doesn't care. What would really hurt him is if WWE tried to do him over on breach of contract or misconduct. This may have already happened, as we said, his silence could be part of some legal obligation related to his contract breaking. Everything should become much clearer in July.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.