CM Punk: 10 Things He Could Still Achieve In WWE

1. Hall Of Fame

The one thing CM Punk seems destined to achieve in his future with WWE is a Hall of Fame induction. He has already done enough to earn the honour, his 434 day title run was the longest reign of the modern era. That's Hall of Fame worthy in itself. On top of that he picked up a range of other career achievements, proving to be one of the hottest WWE names of the post-Austin decade. The achievement of a Hall Of Fame induction is something a guy like Punk would relish. A live microphone and stage all to himself? Recognition as an all time great? It's CM Punk all over. The speech would be something to behold, he would have to do it in the style of a 'pipe bomb' and we would want to hear him shooting on everything from his walkout to what he really felt about WWE creative. Ultimately, Punk coming back to take his place in the Hall of Fame is going to happen. Everyone who falls out with Vince comes back eventually. Added to this is the fact that Punk has always displayed a need for recognition, the induction is one achievement he would struggle to turn down. What this list has demonstrated is that if WWE and Punk can work their issues out, a whole range of new possibilities are available. CM Punk hasn't done it all yet, his greatest achievements could still be ahead of him.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.