CM Punk: 10 Things He Could Still Achieve In WWE

5. Main Event Heel Run Against Daniel Bryan

Popular WWE babyface Daniel Bryan is already running out of relevant top heels to work with, at Extreme Rules he is booked against Kane of all people. One huge thing CM Punk never got to do before leaving was passing the torch to Bryan. A return to WWE could facilitate this, a big marquee main event in which Punk can put Bryan over as the new top guy. Punk in the role of heel to Bryan's face would make for some dramatic television. The quality of matches would be superb, you would be seeing two of the best workers to ever lace up a pair of boots. Just revisit some of their battles from 2012 if you need reminding how great a chemistry this pair have. That time around Bryan wasn't quite at Punk's level yet in terms of star power, but now they are well and truly matched as main eventers. A feud between the pair could run for months, giving us consecutive match of the year contenders. Punk coming back for a run with Bryan could see both men achieve the best work of their career.
WWE Writer

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