CM Punk: 10 Things He Could Still Achieve In WWE

3. A Final WWE Title Run

WWE are hardly overflowing with talent worthy of being WWE Champion, but CM Punk is one of those rare people who could carry the belt and be perceived as a real Champion. Who else can say that in 2014? Beyond Orton, Batista, Bryan, and Cena there aren't many top contenders right now. Punk coming back at any stage in the next few years could see him achieve another WWE title reign. His brilliantly delivered promos could be used to sell a range of feuds, as heel champion he could be the nemesis Daniel Bryan needs to chase down at WrestleMania 31. Conversely, in the role of face Champion, Punk could be the man to have a range of main events against the likes of Bray Wyatt or previously mentioned Brock Lesnar. Considering how seriously Phil Brooks takes the wrestling industry, you get the feeling another WWE title reign is something he would come back for. His 434 day reign seemed to genuinely mean a lot to him, it wasn't just carrying a prop, it was representing an ideal. One more run with the gold is a realistic aspiration if Punk did want to work with WWE again.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.