CM Punk: 8 Talking Points About His WWE Chicago Raw Return Tonight

3. In Truth He Has Undermined The Company?

Despite the apparent fan support coming out of Chicago, there is actually a very big section of fans online who are scathingly critical of Punk. They highlight the fact that he was somewhat of a cry baby, unwilling to do the job he was paid for and reacting in an unprofessional way to the obstacles placed in front of him. Let's face it, if anyone else had done what Punk did then fans would be furious. If Orton had walked last year when he was booked much worse than Punk then everyone would have savaged him for it. When stars in the past such as Ultimate Warrior have held the company up we have been quick to call it as unprofessional. But because Punk is a great wrestler many people have been willing to let his misconduct slide. If you look at with your brain over your heart then there is no doubt about it, Punk undermined the company. It was unprofessional and gross misconduct to walk out of Raw two hours from air. It left the company panicing to fill his slot. The absence also devalued the February PPV and media spots he was meant to be booked on. WWE was a poorer place overall in the last month, all as a result of Punk leaving the company in the lurch. The most serious aspect of this undermining is that WWE have now given in and according to Meltzer brought Punk back. A precedent is now set for powerful superstars to boss management around. If Randy Orton isn't happy a year from now he should just go home for a month and play with his daughter until WWE come begging for him back. The Punk walkout has undermined the power that Vince wields, the Chairman has mellowed in old age it seems, 10 years ago he would have washed his hands of Punk and buried him for such a move against the company.
WWE Writer

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