Troll powers can be used for good. That's what Punk did when he decided to tweet at/about Chris Brown's girlfriend-beating proclivities. While it's unlikely he was attempting to start any kind of twitter war as big as it actually got (remember, a lot of the time Punk used his account like a regular person observing sports and entertainment), Brown got ridiculously angry. Which I guess is to be expected from someone with anger issues. Brown eventually deleted all of the response tweets, but the gist was that Punk needed more followers and was inferior to older wrestlers such as "Coco Beware." It got funnier when he claimed notorious straight edge teetotaler Punk was not just a steroid user, but abusing steroids so badly he couldn't pleasure a woman. Yes, he went from a virtual pissing contest with the follower talk to an actual genitalia measuring contest by declaring he literally had bigger balls. Brown also tried to get #NotNoPunks trending and claimed he'd be selling #NotNoPunks T-shirts. It was all really stupid but Punk was the obvious winner in the court of public opinion. Well, except for those girls who say Brown's so hot they'd let him beat them up, but they're hopeless.
Formerly the site manager of Cageside Seats and the WWE Team Leader at Bleacher Report, David Bixenspan has been writing professionally about WWE, UFC, and other pop culture since 2009. He's currently WhatCulture's U.S. Editor and also serves as the lead writer of Figure Four Weekly and a monthly contributor to Fighting Spirit Magazine.