CM Punk's 10 Biggest Troll Moments On Twitter

8. Sloppy. Drunk. Douche.

This one went up the day after WrestleMania 27 in Atlanta. During the show, Kurt Angle was tweeting up a storm, constantly complaining that the WWE talent was "stealing" his moves. To WWE wrestlers, Don't use my Finish. Get more Creative. Hmmmm- Orton. Did I say that? I heard Orton had an Awesome match though. Ur welcome. Lol. I guess Swagger will use my Ankle Lock as well.Very creative. I'm the Best in the World. You Guys will never be Kurt Angle.can I get an AMEN Kurt Angle will never die. TNA. WWE. I'm a leader. Not follower. :) Why would WWE use my finishes? Is it because I won't go back? R Orton- Angle Slam. M Cole- Ankle Lock? They have some nerve. Jerry Lawlor did it too. But He is a Legend. WWE really stuck it to Me.No Love lost. I'm glad that I helped Your biggest Event of the Year:) Orton posted the following retort after his match at WrestleMania XXVII: Everythings been done before as far as 'moves' go in the sports entertainment. I want to thank SCSA for the 'Thesz Press'. And I know for a fact that SCSA got the 'Thesz Press' from Dutch Mantel. Point being, instead of taking offense to someone using your move, consider it a sign of respect. Btw does anyone know what Ken Shamrocks finish was? I believe Jack Swagger used ankle lock outta respect for Ken? The tweets were quickly deleted. The next morning, he swore several times that his account had been hacked. Very few people believed him, and obviously CM Punk was not one of them. Needless to say, Angle's fans were not happy with the Straight Edge Superstar.
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Formerly the site manager of Cageside Seats and the WWE Team Leader at Bleacher Report, David Bixenspan has been writing professionally about WWE, UFC, and other pop culture since 2009. He's currently WhatCulture's U.S. Editor and also serves as the lead writer of Figure Four Weekly and a monthly contributor to Fighting Spirit Magazine.