Crossface: 13 Actors Who Must Be Cast In Chris Benoit's Biopic

8. Jon Bernthal As Eddie Guerrero

If Crossface is going to authentically tell the tale of Benoit's wrestling legend, some time will inevitably have to be given over to his time as part of The Radicalz. Their introduction to WWE in 2000 was one of those touchstone moment in his career, and over-looking it would be an oversight to say the least.

Let's be honest, Johnny Depp is a pretty solid doppelganger for the tragically gone superstar, but he's a little on the old side to convincingly play a younger Guerrero. And while there would no doubt be rumbles about a non-Mexican actor taking the role, Jon Bernthal has the double selling points of looking the part and fitting the bill in another way.

Both Guerrero and Bernthal managed to get over despite being villains, and the actor has a certain intangible essence that makes him perfect for anti-hero characters with edge (hence his casting as Punisher). He'd be ideal, especially given his insight into being part of a wrestling family (he's married to Kurt Angle's niece after all).


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