Dream Casting The Rock's Ric Flair Movie
7. Dusty Rhodes

If you're going to look at Flair's championship wins and how he became the biggest deal in NWA, you have to look at his first win - against Dusty Rhodes.
The smartest pick would be having Dustin Rhodes play his father for some sense of authenticity, but it's unlikely in logistical terms and also, he's not his father's build.
If there was to be no wrestling involved, that could be overcome - but the idea of Dustin Rhodes being replaced with a stand-in for the wrestling segments seems vulgar at best.
So Dustin is out, even if the idea of casting Rhodes Snr is about as daunting as any on this list (even if he ended up playing a smaller part). The best bet might well be Paul Walter Hauser who picked up a lot of plaudits for his lead role in Richard Jewell. Not that anyone's had a chance to actually see it.