Dusty Rhodes Hosts New WCW War Games DVD For WWE?

WWE Hall of Famer Dusty Rhodes has confirmed on his Twitter account that he has done 'DVD work' for the WWE lately and that he will host an upcoming major release. Although Rhodes has not confirmed the title, WWE DVDNews are speculation that it will be The Best of War Games DVD release that was first spoken of last year as DVD set the WWE were considering producing. WCW DVDs and especially WWE DVDs based on a match themed concept have always been popular and it is no surprise to believe they are working on this release next for it's potential sales value. Other previously intended WWE releases that perhaps would fit Dusty Rhodes hosting include; - The Greatest Moments at Madison Square Garden, - The Brutal History of the €œI Quit€ Match. Though War Games is easily the best fit for Rhodes.


Matt Holmes is the co-founder of What Culture, formerly known as Obsessed With Film. He has been blogging about pop culture and entertainment since 2006 and has written over 10,000 articles.