Every 1-Time WWE Champion Ranked From Worst To Best

4. Diesel

Eddie Guerrero

Considering his legendary status and backstage influence, it's shocking that Kevin Nash (or "Diesel" as he was known in the WWF) only got one shot with the WWF Championship.

After winning the title from Bob Backlund in record time, Big Daddy Cool embarked on an 358 day reign, fending off challengers like Bret Hart, Sycho Sid, and King Mabel, although the less said about that last one, the better...

Diesel carried the WWF as its champion until Survivor Series 1995 when The Hitman prevented him from reaching a year with the belt. The match was probably the best of Nash's career to date, proving how much he had grown during his time as champion.

It might have helped that he was best buddies with Shawn Michaels, but there's no denying that Diesel's mammoth WWF Championship was also down to his own skill.

His time on top may have coincided with one of the biggest slumps in wrestling history, but Nash can hardly be blamed solely for that. He carried himself as a great champion, took part in memorable angles, and always tried to have the best match he could (even against Mabel).


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.