Every 1-Time WWE Champion Ranked From Worst To Best

20. Vince McMahon

Eddie Guerrero

There are many people out there who would have put Mr. McMahon at the bottom of this list in a heartbeat. After all, a 54-year-old billionaire booking himself to defeat his own son-in-law for a championship his father created reeks of narcissism like a tuna canning plant reeks of fish. However, behind that awful stench is the smell of something quite brilliant.

Yes, it should have killed Triple H's momentum to have him lose to an middle-aged, untrained performer and that's without considering the fact that McMahon was running the show at the time (look how bad it was for WCW when they put their world title on Vince Russo just a year later). But there is something about it being Vince McMahon that makes it all seem ok.

McMahon is totally bulletproof when it comes to bad stories, as seemingly no amount of "higher powers", "kiss my ass clubs", or matches with Bret Hart can dent The Chairman's mystique.

Bad decision or otherwise, Vince winning his own belt is just another wrinkle in one of the most fascinating characters in wrestling history. Plus he never got pinned for the title, so there's that.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.