Every 1-Time WWE Champion Ranked From Worst To Best

19. Jeff Hardy

Eddie Guerrero

Whilst Jeff Hardy's work with the World Heavyweight Championship was excellent, his one and only run with the other world title at the time was much less memorable.

The Charismatic Enigma was originally scheduled to face Triple H and Vladimir Kozlov for the title at Survivor Series 2009, but was taken out of the match and replaced with subsequent winner, Edge. To get his revenge, Hardy faced Edge and Triple H in another triple threat match at Armageddon the following month, where he finally scored the big win.

Watching Hardy's journey from plucky teenager to tag team megastar to world champion was extremely satisfying and, considering how popular he was at the time, WWE absolutely made the right call by putting the title on him. How they took the title off him though was an entirely different story.

Hardy lost the belt back to Edge just 42 days later after interference from his brother Matt, setting up their much-maligned match at WrestleMania XXV.

Despite a strong start, Hardy's short reign and disappointing aftermath totally tanked his time with the WWE Championship and the company never trusted him with their top prize ever again.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.