Every John Cena Movie Ranked From Worst To Best

7. Legendary (2010)

John Cena Legendary
WWE Studios

Most WWE Studios films tend to be action-oriented because of the natural fit between physically strong, athletic figures and those types of stories, but there are some surprises in there, like Legendary.

It's an unexpectedly low-key coming-of-age drama about a wannabe wrestler with a decided feel-good factor and a strong cast including the likes of Cena, Patricia Clarkson and Danny Glover. It's sentimental, but never cloying, and the emotional beats are all well-aimed and effective.

Cena is great, proving his dramatic range as the lead kid's older wayward brother who coaches him on the path to be a wrestler. It's an unashamedly manipulative film, aiming mostly for inspiration, but it actually works and it's well-worth a watch for Cena's performance.

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