Every John Cena WWE US Open Challenge - Ranked

8. Stardust

Stardust accepting John Cena's Open Challenge helped to make it clear that both anyone from the locker room could and would take on the US Champion and that the leader of the Cenation wouldn't hesitate to put them over even if ultimately - and arguably predictably - he ended up emerging as the winner. Cena has so rarely faced off against midcard competitors in recent years that him squaring off against Stardust felt like a fresh and exciting new match up, and it ended up being just that. Cody Rhodes used this match to remind everyone what he's capable of when given the chance, but despite one near fall which made it seem like he was going to steal the title, it was hard to watch this and ever seriously believe that Stardust would be the one to end up beating Cena in one of his Open Challenges. The match ended with the horrendous springboard stunner/AA combo, but that ultimately makes this match no less enjoyable or entertaining than it was at the time. It's also however somewhat forgettable!

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.