Every John Cena WWE US Open Challenge - Ranked

7. Kevin Owens

It may seem sacrilegious to place the former NXT Champion so low on this list, but bear in mind that a match between Kevin Owens and John Cena never took place despite him answering the Open Challenge. Personally, after seeing Cena face off against Sami Zayn the week before, I couldn't help but sit back and imagine how cool it would be for Owens' music to hit, and that feeling made it all the more awesome when it actually did. Looking back, this was arguably the start of NXT being taken seriously on WWE programming as Owens would take this opportunity to make it clear to Cena and everyone else that being NXT Champion means just as much as holding any main roster title. This whole segment was fantastic, and seeing Owens put down Cena when he tried to offer him some "veteran advice" was immensely satisfying, as was the surprise Pop Up Powerbomb which Owens then took him down with. The image of Owens stomping on the United States Championship was also a great way of putting a memorable exclamation mark on his main roster debut. Again, the only reason this doesn't place higher is because no actual match took place!

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.