Every Major Wrestling Title Ranked From The Ugliest To Most Beautiful
4. WWE World Tag Team
Evidently, with a slight tweak, the updated WWE World Heavyweight title could look gorgeous; the World Tag Team title design is evidence of that.
The WWE logo on the main plate is almost identical, but smaller, less self-conscious almost, and is offset by the pleasingly round main plate. That embossed main plate is sublime; rather than a muted collage of swirls, the mythical creatures either side of the WWE logo stand out just enough. It’s a belt that looks expensive, like a true prize fashioned for a gladiator, and the bold use of red in the background of the lettering also works to modernise it.
Where a few WWE title belts are lazy equivalents to one another, the masterstroke of the World Tag Team belt makes the World Heavyweight design look like an ugly early prototype.