Every The Fiend WWE Pay Per View Match Ranked Worst To Best
Let him in... but only if you've booked it properly!

The Fiend has been an ongoing experiment, still in the works perhaps. As much of the creative process revolves around TV promos and Bray’s entertaining advocacy for his tormented alter-ego, the actual in-ring work, when it happens, acts as payoff.
With that much build up, the stakes are high.
Whilst we have seen a fair few Fiend matches and appearances on TV, especially over the past couple of Smackdowns, pay per view matches weave the prospect of using this character sparingly. They portray him as a ghoulish creature, who exists only partially in our reality and, through some unknowable power, is impossible to beat… mostly.
Of course, pulling off such a spectacle has come with mixed results. Whilst Bray makes a continuous effort to put heart and soul into this character, and antagonises a good response from crowds and opponents alike, it hasn’t always worked out.
To put more accurately, the worst and best of his pay per view moments rest on the far ends of the scale. Let’s hope SummerSlam is a belter.
Here’s his pay per view match ranking in the run up...
7. Seth Rollins (Hell In A Cell 2019)

“We’ve seen what that hammer can do to Rambling Rabbit. What can it do to Rollins?”
Some words from commentary there, and that was pretty much the point where it all went wrong. Whilst orchestrated chaos is the name of The Fiend’s game, car crash chaos is a whole different affair. Here, fans were treated to a Hell In A Cell match that ended, prematurely, in disqualification. Go figure!
It had the makings of a classic. All the elements were in place, and the opening act showed signs of promise. Entrances were accompanied with bated breath, everything went, er, red, and the two competitors squared off with some semblance of charisma. After this small segment of straight-up wrestling, a jumbled array of hardcore shenanigans ALMOST gathered momentum... but nope.
Ring that bell! Match is over. What in the hell just happened? We don't know, but somebody, somewhere, thought it would be a good idea. Horrifying to think.
Rollins may have been the one belching up blood, but ultimately, both athletes fell victim to the irreversible disaster of this match. No restarts were given, despite the fans’ desperate pleas.