Every Undefeated Wrestler In AEW So Far

8. Bea Priestly and Shoko Nakajima

Chris Jericho Fight for the Fallen

We're lumping these two together in one entry because A) they've only competed as a tag team thus far in AEW and B) we couldn't be bothered to write two separate segments.

"Big Kaiju" Shoko Nakajima received her ironic nickname due to her rather small stature - 4ft 10in to be precise.

Bea Priestly, real-life girlfriend of Will Ospreay, is currently the top champion in Stardom, a much-heralded all-female Japanese promotion. She has also appeared for companies such as World of Sport, Progress, and the late, great Defiant Wrestling.

Both women made their AEW debuts on the Fight For The Fallen pre-show, taking on the previously-undefeated combination of Riho and Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D.

Priestley and Nakajima were victorious after the latter scored the pinfall over Riho. The match was received quite poorly by some, particularly the decision to allow Baker to continue wrestling even after suffering a concussion early in the match.

Despite this bad press (and the fact that, for some reason, closed captions randomly appeared on screen during the bout), both Priestley and Nakajima have a lot to offer AEW's women's division. Priestley in particular is a very exciting prospect, as she brings a wealth of experience and name recognition to the brand.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.