Every Undefeated Wrestler In AEW So Far

7. Shawn Spears

Chris Jericho Fight for the Fallen

The former Tye Dillinger in WWE is currently at the peak of what has been a long and varied wrestling career and is just weeks away from arguably the biggest match of his career so far.

From an appearance as "Stan" in a skit with DX in 2006, to being let go from WWE from 2009, to the glory days of the "Perfect Ten" gimmick in NXT, Spears is a true unsung heroes of wrestling and seems to finally be getting the spotlight he deserved so long ago.

Spears was also a part of the Casino Battle Royale, where he (rather predictably) entered at number ten. Spears was eliminated by Dustin Thomas; an interesting choice as Spears' popularity lead to many fans booing a disabled wrestler.

It was at AEW's next event when Spears made himself a major talking point in the wrestling world. After Cody's match with Darby Allin, Spears cracked him over the head with one of the most brutal and bloody chairshots seen in modern wrestling for years.

To build to his grudge match with Cody at All Out, Spears scored the pinfall for his team - which also featured Sammy Guevara and MJF - at Fight For The Fallen, pinning Allin.

No chairs needed.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.