Every WCW Heavyweight Champion: Where Are They Now?

17. Hulk Hogan

Hulk Hogan Old

Hulk Hogan signing with WCW in 1994 shook the industry, he was the WWF's biggest star for over a decade. To the surprise of no one, the 'Hulkster' won the World Championship in his very first match, embarking on a record 469-day reign. His second outing with the gold would add another 359 days to his tally, right in the middle of the famous NWO run.

The Real American has had a pretty wild time of it following the death of WCW, keeping himself constantly in the headlines since winding down his in-ring career, after a few other stints around the wrestling world of course.

He went back to WWE, reclaiming the World Championship there for a final time, ducked over to Japan once or twice, jumped into TNA, had his own Hulkamania tour in Australia for some reason, then WWE again.

He kept himself busy, basically.

Controversy has courted Hogan in the past few years, putting him on a tightrope that he's still balancing to this day with WWE and portions of the audience, with some quicker to forgive than others.

He has pushed for a return at 66, but only time will tell how wounds may heal and what he can do. For now, he sits in the background making comments about the state of WWE and the industry.

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Aussie sports fan who loves gaming, everything on the big and silver screens and quoting the entire Samuel L. Jackson 'Ezekiel 25:17' monologue from Pulp Fiction