Every WWE Champion Of The 2000s Ranked From Worst To Best
8. Stone Cold Steve Austin

Stone Cold Steve Austin was undoubtedly the WWE Champion of the '90s, bringing the company back to its former glory while carrying its symbol on his shoulder.
After missing out most of 2000 due to injury, when he returned late in the year, it was not a question of if, but when he would have the title again. Fans got their answer when he won the 2001 Royal Rumble and was set to face perennial rival The Rock in Austin's home state at WrestleMania X-Seven.
Austin and Rock had arguably the greatest title match in WrestleMania history. However, what stuck in peoples' minds more was the finish, which saw Austin team up with arch-nemesis Vince McMahon to win the title and turn heel for the first time in four years. Austin would be champion throughout most of 2001, refining and exploring his new, more mentally unbalanced persona.
It's difficult to evaluate Austin's 2001 run. To many people, this change in character was a refreshing change of pace that delivered great television. However, no one at the time wanted to boo Stone Cold, and combined with the Invasion debacle, Austin's 2001 title reigns represented the company's gradual decline into irrelevance after the high of the Attitude Era.
Still, these reigns gave us Austin singing "Kumbaya" to Vince, so I'll give them points for that.