Every WWE Champion Of The 2000s Ranked From Worst To Best

7. Edge

Brock Lesnar 2002

From a career standpoint, Edge is more commonly-associated with the Big Gold Belt, which he held seven times over four years. Still, that monopoly over the belt came on the heels of career-defining runs with the WWE Championship in 2006.

After winning the first ever Money in the Bank ladder match at WrestleMania 21, Edge mostly kept quiet until New Year's Revolution the following year, where he performed the first successful cash-in (on John Cena), and set the precedent of cashing in on a downed champion. The Rated R Superstar would feud on and off with Cena and Rob Van Dam, participating in acclaimed title matches and angles (although, whether or not you want to call his live sex celebration with Lita "great," is... well, whatever floats your boat, I suppose).

Edge would gain an additional two runs with the spinner belt in 2008 and 2009, although these were transitional in nature, as WWE was hotshotting the belt like crazy during those days. Still, they were won and lost in memorable angles that exemplified his devious and opportunistic character.

Ultimately though, it's those early runs with the WWE Championship that helped Edge become the main event star he was always destined to be.

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Brock Lesnar
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