Every WWE Last Man Standing Match Ranked - From Worst To Best

24. Edge Vs. Kane - SmackDown 2011

John Cena Backlash 2009

Kane returns for his fourth, but not quite final, appearance on this list, with his Jan 7, 2011 effort against Edge on an episode of SmackDown.

Again, this wasn’t necessarily a terrible match - we’re moving into that territory where we’re no longer rattling off the very worst matches, just the ones that we’re quite the greatest.

Edge and Kane battled through the arena before making their way back to the ring, when the former would deliver a Con-Chair-To to the knee of his dazed opponent, keeping him down for the count.

It was certainly a novel way of ending the match, and a very decent encounter for a routine SmackDown taping. And while it may not have had enough to make it an absolute classic, it was certainly one of the better showings from Kane personally when it comes to Last Man Standing action.

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John Cena
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