Every WWE Last Man Standing Match Ranked - From Worst To Best

14. Kane Vs. Shane McMahon - Unforgiven 2003

John Cena Backlash 2009

While Cena vs. Wyatt showed great attention to detail, Kane’s Last Man Standing match against Shane McMahon was simply a glorified stunt show, and it’s the biggest stunt of all that earns this one a mention so high up this list.

Obviously Shane’s no stranger to moments of madness, and this one ranks up there with the most maddening madness.

With Kane lying prone at the foot of the stage and with a Pennsylvania crowd there to egg him on, Shane began to climb the set. Completely disregarding a wealth of health and safety regulations, he completed his ascent before delivering what I imagine had been intended as an elbow drop. We’ll never know though because Shane would miss, and instead went crashing through the floor below.

I don’t care how heavily-gimmicked that landing may have been, a spot as crazy as this one deserves a place on the list.

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John Cena
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