Every WWE Raw Intro Ranked – From Worst To Best

13. 2010

Coming from an age of superior technology, the Raw intros post-2010 certainly benefited from the advent of high definition. However, they also suffered in a way, because that just meant that the WWE had a new buzz phrase to plaster all over its branding.

Suddenly Raw was being entitled Raw HD, and they were sure to remind us of this fact throughout the show’s intro in 2010.

Perhaps I’m being a little pedantic here but it just seemed a bit much to effectively rebrand the show on account of its enhanced presentation.

Either way, there were still enough additional positives to make this a decent opening package. There was an added energy to proceedings, possibly a result of the quick fire shots of the Raw roster being displayed in time with the thudding sound of one of Nickelback’s better offerings. Plus, we got to see a picture perfect Shooting Star Press from Evan Bourne - complete with fancy lasers in the background, of course.

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