Every WWE Raw Intro Ranked – From Worst To Best

3. 2005 & 2006

Flitting back to the mid-2000s here, and I’ve separated this one from the rest of the “Across the Nation” intros on account of the quality of the video package.

We still got out basement-dwelling band shots and girl-on-girl dancing, but with the added bonus of some all-time classic wrestling moments.

The most notable of which is probably that epic Sweet Chin Music delivered by Shawn Michaels to an airbourne Shelton Benjamin to kick the footage off, as well as Benjamin’s sprint up a diagonal ladder to clothesline Chris Jericho upon reaching the summit. There were also some more light-hearted moments sprinkled in such as Carlito spitting out his apple in the face of the uncool, and Ric Flair giving a trademark Woo! to Stone Cold Steve Austin.

They may only be subtle changes, but they’re enough to make this intro worthy of hanging with the very best of them in the top three of this list.

Again, there were a couple of variations of this but the main highlights remained constant across both 2005 and 2006.

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