Every WWE Raw Intro Ranked – From Worst To Best
19. 1993
From the new to the old, here we have the very first-ever
Raw intro from way back at the start of the 1990s.
Obviously time hasn’t been kind to this one, with both the video effects and the song itself coming across very dated in today’s day and age.
That being said, there are a couple of other major drawbacks. Like the 1995 intro, this one doesn’t feature a great deal of wrestling. Other than some blurred images of wrestler caricatures in the background, we don’t see any actual action other than a video reel of Bret Hart performing his signature elbow drop and Razor Ramon hitting the Razor’s Edge. Plus, the images we do see tend to be discoloured or warped in some way. Looks like someone was having too much fun experimenting with early ‘90s special effects…
The classic soundtrack rescues this one a little, but then the good work is undone by that shrieking siren at the very end, which is enough to make even Cesaro’s entrance sound great.