Every WWE Royal Rumble 'Final Four' - From Worst To Best

18. 1995 - Lex Luger, Crush, Davey Boy Smith & Shawn Michaels

The 1995 edition featured four fresh faces who had never been World Champion before, which is always cool. Luger had already half-won the previous Rumble, but this year included the added wrinkle of his then-tag partner, the British Bulldog, in the final four. Davey Boy and Shawn Michaels had been the first two entrants, and battled each other on and off throughout the match. Also, Crush was there. Michaels ultimately wins it, of course, after the oft-replayed spot where only one of his feet touch the ground and he dumps a prematurely celebrating Davey Boy. He wouldn't be able to unseat Diesel at WrestleMania, though, and both of them wound up playing second fiddle to a Lawrence Taylor novelty match. 1995 was a dark year.

Long-time fan (scholar?) of professional wrestling, kaiju films and comparative mythology. Aspiring two-fisted adventurer.