Every WWE Smackdown Women's Title Reign Ranked From Worst To Best
4. Bayley: 19 May 2019 - 6 October 2019
Bayley's first 2019 reign is difficult to discuss because of factors out of her control, and is the title run that feels the strangest.
It's hard to admit that she truly felt like the World Champion during her tenure as a babyface, being put in feuds and matches without substantive weight, being undermined by women who weren't the champion in her division etc. She didn't get to have most of the dream matches that she clamoured for on Twitter, and deserved to have more time in the spotlight as a fighting babyface champion. Her run being pushed to the sidelines only strengthened the argument of Smackdown's incapabilities of booking titles, a situation which hasn't improved in the months since.
However, it ranks higher than her notable heel run because Bayley delivered everything she had to the role, performing her last few months as babyface in the most solid dependable way she could have. She put on engaging title defences with Alexa Bliss and Ember Moon, somehow made a two on one handicap defence enjoyable at Extreme Rules, did good work on the mic and most importantly, had one of the best title victories in the championship's history with her MITB cash in on Charlotte. It was a run that deserved more time in the spotlight, and a much better finale, but it was mostly consistent, underrated work that helped carry a particularly rough few months of Smackdown.