Every WWE Smackdown Women's Title Reign Ranked From Worst To Best
16. Charlotte Flair: 26 March 2019 - 8 April 2019
The worst yet somehow longest of Charlotte’s three reigns with the title last year, her second victory over Smackdown women’s champion Asuka had no purpose beyond adding an extra gimmick to the already seismic women’s main event. Asuka had started to regain her momentum from 2018 whenever she was on television, and deserved a Mania match to highlight another woman in the Smackdown division. Her loss on the 26 March episode of Smackdown ensured that she was relegated to losing in the pre-show battle royal, and took away a women's match from the supposedly progressive WrestleMania 35.
Charlotte was already challenging for the Raw title due to McMahon interference, and the extra stipulation to make it a contest for both belts was so last minute that it felt completely unnatural. Instead of the feud being built around Becky overcoming her greatest rival and her most desired opponent, it became more about who could win both titles at the 'Grandest Stage of Them All.'
There was no careful symbiosis for the importance of both belts and what victory would mean like NJPW pulled off with Tetsuya Naito’s ascent, there was no planning in it which was clear since Becky dropped the blue belt at the PPV after Mania. All it did was promote a woman already in the main event over someone who needed the victory, and the WrestleMania spotlight more.