Examining Kurt Angle's Last 5 Major WWE Matches

1. Vs. Shawn Michaels (Raw, 16 January 2006)

The fourth and final match of Kurt Angle's for-the-ages feud with Shawn Michaels was arguably the weakest of the series, coming as it did on a January episode of Monday Night Raw, without too much at stake besides HBK's livelihood (which, let's face it, was always going to end on the Grandest Stage of Them All).

The match also suffered from a bizarre interference from Angle's erstwhile manager Daivari, who for some inexplicable reason entered the ring with a steel chair just as the Olympic gold medalist had his opponent trapped in the Ankle Lock slap-bang in the middle of the ring. This wasn't even a deliberate attempt at a double cross, by the way; Daivari, apparently, just momentarily forgot the rules of wrestling.

Before that, though, you still had about 15 minutes of typically-stellar wrestling, the highlight of which being a nasty-looking Angle Slam from the top turnbuckle, just as HBK looked set to drop an elbow on his opponent's strewn body.

All in all: yes, it was undeniably the worst fought by Angle and HBK - but few occasions in wrestling history can live up to the lofty heights of their WrestleMania 21 encounter, and this still went down, easily, as one of the best free-to-watch matches of 2006.
