Exclusive: 7 Behind The Scenes Details On WWE's 'Boneyard Match' At WrestleMania 36

7. How Long It Took To Build The Set

AJ Styles WrestleMania 36 Boneyard Match
WhatCulture.com Exclusive

WWE's 'Boneyard Match' was filmed on location in Florida, but it wasn't shot anywhere near the Performance Center. Instead, the company contracted an outside production unit to custom-build the set that'd be used, and it took five whole days to make everything they wanted.

Originally, when WWE had made contact on 21 March, they only wanted a graveyard promo scene. That quickly changed when Triple H and Michael Hayes arrived and were impressed by the quality; after that, the promotion wanted more, and the match concept grew arms and legs as they started to realise all the possibilities.

Come 25 March, WWE filmed overnight from 9pm-5am (on 26 March).

That eight-hour shoot caused a week-long clean up afterwards. Yep, 'Taker, AJ and his OC pals made some serious mess, and it was worth it. Five long days of set design, set-up and work was destroyed over one short night.


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