Exposing The Myth: Tag Team Wrestling Doesn’t Draw Money

7. The Match Psychology

Young Bucks Cash

When done right, tag team wrestling is immensely rewarding to watch.

In comparison to a regular singles bout, a tag contest has an entirely different level of wrestling psychology to it. While it's obvious to state that a tag bout would usually feature four wrestlers instead of two, there's so much more at play to make a tag team match great - and it takes a special type of performer to be able to make tag team wrestling truly work.

A tag match features so many more nuances and possibilities than a straight-up one-on-one offering. There's the clear concept of the fresh (or fresher, at least) person on the outside, there's the ability to deliver tandem moves, there's the potential for the non-legal member of a team to run interference, and there's the drama that can be drummed up by the good use of a tag rope or of a referee distraction.

If you have four smart workers in there, it isn't hyperbolic to say that tag team wrestling can be the very best sort of wrestling. In recent years, that viewpoint is something that's been lost on certain companies *cough* WWE *cough*, but there is so much evidence to back up why tag team wrestling can draw money in any time period.

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Senior Writer

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