Exposing The Myth: Tag Team Wrestling Doesn’t Draw Money

4. Forget The Glass Ceiling Enforced By WWE

Young Bucks Cash

Even in a wrestling industry largely monopolised by WWE for the best part of 20 years, there are clear examples of how important tag team wrestling can be.

No tag team under the WWE umbrella for those years has been allowed to truly become a main event act. Obviously, the New Day has had fantastic success, yet you can perfectly contrast that to acts outside of WWE.

While the New Day has brought in massive merchandise numbers, as a tag team they have not been positioned as a true headlining act. Sure, Kofi Kingston got to main event shows as the WWE Champion, but that was in singles competition.

Look outside WWE, and the Young Bucks tell you all you need to know about where a tag team can get to. Without the confines and restrictions placed on talent by WWE, Nick and Matt Jackson main evented shows all over the globe and made themselves one of the hottest acts on the planet - and, truth be told, this is coming from someone who isn't even a massive Young Bucks fan.

The point is, WWE has put a glass ceiling on tag teams, meaning those wrestlers can only reach a certain level on the card or achieve a certain level of success. More often than not these days, WWE merely views tag teams as a temporary destination for a possible breakout star - rather than making the tag act itself the star.

Senior Writer
Senior Writer

Chatterer of stuff, writer of this, host of that, Wrexham AFC fan.