Exposing The Myth: Tag Team Wrestling Doesn’t Draw Money

3. The Quality Of Today's Teams

Young Bucks Cash
Impact Wrestling

Are the tag teams of today as popular as the teams of years gone by? Likely not. But you cannot say that some of the tandems in the business right now can't draw eyes to your product if given the opportunity to do so. In fact, some of these pairings have already proven that.

When looking across the landscape of the professional wrestling industry in 2020, there are so many tag teams who could draw big money - and there are so many tag teams who will draw big money.

From FTR, to the Young Bucks, to the New Day, to the Guerrillas of Destiny, to Pride and Powerful, to the Grizzled Young Veterans, to any two of Undisputed Era, to the North, to the Lucha Bros., to the Motor City Machine Guns, to the Good Brothers, to the Vikings Raider, to the Street Profits, to the Rascalz, to even Cesaro and Shinsuke Nakamura if handled correctly, all of these teams could be ticket-selling, arena-filling, ratings-driving parts of the business.

It's not like the reason that tag team wrestling isn't a money-drawing attraction is because there aren't any great tag teams - it's more that these tandems require the chance to become money-drawing attractions.

Senior Writer
Senior Writer

Chatterer of stuff, writer of this, host of that, Wrexham AFC fan.