Get Your WhatCulture Extra 7-Day Free Trial

Loaded on demand, iPPV's, exclusive lists and more available now...

WhatCulture Extra brings you more exclusive content than ever before, including iPPV's, weekly Loaded episodes on demand and even unique lists/videos you can only experience by signing up to Extra.

There's never been a better time to sign up because new customers now get a free 7-day trial to check out all that's available. Simply register at before Saturday, February 4th for your free trial!


Better yet, there's no obligation to pay anything if you cancel before the end of that 7-day period. Once you do see what's on offer though, the low monthly price of $6.99 will enable you to keep on watching, meaning you won't miss out on huge events like the True Destiny iPPV on February 12th.

True Destiny Kurt Angle Alberto El Patron

In addition to iPPV content, Loaded episodes on demand and those exclusive lists, there's also Classic WTF Moments, live streams analysing Raw and SmackDown, exclusive podcasts and much more.


Subscribers to Extra also receive a free digital copy of the brand new Wrestling Weekly magazine, keeping you up to date with everything happening in the industry you love.

Head on over to before Saturday, February 4th and start your free 7-day trial today.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.