Heels Review: 10 Ups & 2 Downs For Episode 2: 'Dusty Finish'

7. Wrestling Takes A Backseat

Heels Dusty Finish

Heels' debut episode was geared towards the in-ring battle of granny-hugging babyface Ace Spade stepping up to challenge his villainous older brother Jack Spade for the DWL Championship - with the real lives of the DWL crew taking somewhat of a backseat in some regards.

Here, in Dusty Finish, it's a complete role reversal. The actual wrestling aspect of this second episode is extremely minimal, and instead we get to see more of a focus on the wrestles as people in their everyday lives, some of them working at their everyday jobs.

The table is set here as soon as we see Stephen Amell's Jack at his regular job attempting to sell lawnmowers. In last week's Kayfabe, Jack was either seen in a wrestling ring, at the DWL Dome, or at home frantically working on the script for the next wrestling show. This time out, there was none of that.

Far more so, this outing centred on the people themselves and the relationships between them. There was no stained wrestling mats, there was no smoke-filled arenas, there was no raucous crowds. Instead, Dusty Finish was more about people who happen to be pro wrestlers, with the wrestling side taking a welcome backseat to allow other elements of Heels to flourish.

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