Heels Review: 10 Ups & 2 Downs For Episode 2: 'Dusty Finish'

8. The Relationship Between Crystal & Carol

Heels Dusty Finish

At the start of Dusty Finish, we see that Carol Spade has pretty much zero time for Crystal.

All Carol sees Crystal as is the person who comes to her house and has loud sex with her son, and Carol even informs Crystal that her and Ace's relationship is all a "work" or an act tied to professional wrestling.

By the time Dusty Finish plays out, though, the dynamic between Crystal and Carol has taken a bit of a turn - with Carol even thanking Crystal for helping in finding the drunken Ace.

Whether Carol initially saw Crystal as merely someone who had latched onto Ace for his fame, or maybe she even saw something of herself in Crystal - not wanting her to follow her footsteps in having her life dominated by wrestling - the tension between these two seems to have cooled a little by the time Dusty Finish comes to a close.

For this second episode, one of the major things it did was brilliantly spotlight four potentially great female characters in Carol, Crystal, Willie and Staci.

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