Heels Review: 10 Ups & 2 Downs For Episode 2: 'Dusty Finish'

10. Adding Layers To The Spade Brothers' Dynamic

Heels Dusty Finish

Not only does Dusty Finish flesh out a whole host of characters other than the Spade brothers, it also adds a new layer to the dynamic between Jack and Ace.

That 'new layer' comes as Jack reveals to Crystal that he was the one who pushed Ace into becoming a wrestler in the first place. This ties in nicely to Ace's previous rants about how Jack had ruined his life - with this highlighting that the younger Spade wouldn't necessarily have gone into this particular line of work were it not for the forceful guidance of his older brother.

Now, we as an audience understand why Ace doesn't always carry himself as a pro wrestler should or why he doesn't have the same want to simply stay in Duffy and wrestle for the DWL for the rest of his life. Ace has been somewhat pushed into this industry, and so he doesn't have the same core values as Jack does, nor does he possibly even care about the wrestling world as much as his brother.

For Ace, the prospect of heading "up north" was merely career progression and making the most of a business he never asked to be in. While he spent Kayfabe (and most of this episode) acting like a total d*ck, Dusty Finish nicely adds an element of sympathy for this troubled character.

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