Heels Review: 10 Ups & 2 Downs For Episode 2: 'Dusty Finish'

9. Staci Takes No Sh*t

Heels Dusty Finish

In Heels' first episode, we clearly saw how Alison Luff's Staci Spade was so often an afterthought for her husband, as she had to forever play second fiddle to Jack's 24/7 obsession with pro wrestling.

Here in Dusty Finish, though, we see Staci refusing to take anymore BS from her husband.

One key moment in all of this, is Staci berating Jack while the two are in bed, with her pushing and prodding him on his ongoing issues with Ace. Similarly, when Staci asks Jack to do certain things around the house, she ends up getting tired of him constantly putting stuff off and putting stuff off, deciding that she hasn't got time to wait for Jack and his meandering ways - as shown by how she solved the Spades' squirrel problem, then was last seen riding a lawnmower and supping a beer.

Elsewhere, it was great to see Staci's interactions with her son Thomas, particularly where it pertains to the aforementioned squirrels in the attic.

Is Staci Spade fully happy with her situation? That remains to be seen. What she is doing, though, is getting on with her day-to-day life, regardless of her husband and his oft-distant ways.

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