Heels Review: 10 Ups & 2 Downs For Episode 2: 'Dusty Finish'

3. Buck-Ass Naked Wild Bill

Heels Dusty Finish Wild Bill

Some way say the Michael P.S. Hayes-esque character of 'Wild' Bill Hancock stole the show last week. While the focus was largely on brothers Jack and Ace Spade in that Kayfabe episode, Wild Bill devoured scenery in each and every scene he was on our screens for.

This week, we only actually got one sequence featuring Bill, but boy, was it as every bit as 'Wild Bill' as his appearances in Heels' debut episode.

With Ace having tried repeatedly, desperately to get hold of Bill to discuss his potential developmental deal "up north", it takes an age for Wild Bill to finally get back to the younger Spade. And when he does, Bill breaks the news to Ace that he should maybe look at trying his hand in the hardcore FWD at this time... all while Wild Bill is popping pills, swigging booze, has a naked woman in bed, and he himself is completely buck-ass naked as he looks out of what appears to be a motel window.

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Senior Writer

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