Hook Overtakes CM Punk As AEW's Top Merch Seller
Hook>CM Punk. Here's your proof...

CM Punk has been usurped as AEW's top merchandise seller for the first time in close to four months.
As pointed out by Pro Wrestling Tees on their official Instagram feed, Hook, not Punk, had the top-selling t-shirt in their store last week. This is the first time that one of Punk's shirts hasn't occupied the top spot since 20 August, when he made his sensational pro wrestling return on that night's episode of Rampage.
Punk does, however, occupy spots two and three with variations on has classic 'Best in the World' design. The four pillars shirt featuring Britt Baker in MJF's place was at number four, with Adam Cole's 'All About The BOOM!' shirt fifth.
Though he has appeared on-air for over a year, largely in a non-speaking capacity, Hook didn't debut between the ropes until last week's episode of Rampage, where he flattened Fuego Del Sol in a well-received squash. The 22-year-old has become a cult favourite with AEW fans since assuming a role alongside father Taz, who called his first bout from the announce booth.
Per recent reporting, Hook had been training for his wrestling debut "non-stop" with QT Marshall, MJF, and others.