Hulk Hogan: 5 Best And 5 Worst WCW Moments

4. The Chin vs. Hollywood

wwe.comwwe.comHulk Hogan is a celebrity the world over. He is one of the few professional wrestlers to cross over into mainstream consciousness. He is also a wrestler who has often been associated with other celebrities -- most famously, Mr. T. In WCW, however, Hollywood Hogan became associated with athletes like Dennis Rodman -- an actual member of the nWo. In 1998, Hogan took his Hollywood moniker to the next level -- competing in numerous celebrity matches. At Bash at the Beach, Hogan teamed with Rodman as they faced off with Diamond Dallas Page and his partner, Karl Malone. At WCW€™s annual Road Wild pay-per-view -- in North Dakota during the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally -- Hogan again competed in a bout involving celebrities. This time, however, there would be no basketball stars. Instead, Hogan teamed with Eric Bischoff to take on DDP and Jay Leno. Yes, Jay Leno of the Tonight Show. He was even accompanied by his bandleader, Kevin Eubanks. What followed was a tag team bout that was meant to garner interest from a mainstream audience, but instead turned into an embarrassment for all involved. The match began with DDP and Hogan facing off, but quickly switched to Bischoff against Page. Page, after kicking Easy E in the face, tagged in the big chin, himself. As the supposed martial arts expert stood and realized that Jay was approaching, he fell on the mat, backpedaling in fear. Then, Hogan tagged in. Leno puckered up and dared the Hulkster to hit him on the chin, before mocking Hogan€™s lack of hair. Leno wisely avoided an attack from the leader of the nWo and tagged out. The action between Page and Hogan continued for a few minutes, and then for inexplicable reasons, DDP tagged in Leno. The short, slightly stout, unathletic, talk show host slapped Hogan in a wrist lock. To everyone€™s surprise, however, the 6€™7€, 250-plus pound Hulkster didn€™t laugh and deck Leno. Instead, Hogan fell to his knees and winced in agony, begging Jay to release the hold. Hogan broke free from the hold after what seemed like an excruciating eternity, but was in reality, only a few seconds. Only a few short moments later, Leno again applied the hold, before executing a double-clothesline with Page on Hogan. Jay covered the Immortal One, who kicked out at two. Again, for the sake of clarity, Jay Leno scored a two-count near fall on Hollywood Hogan. Mercifully, Leno would stay on the apron until a double knockdown between Hogan and Page. Each man tagged in their respective partners, and Leno come face-to-face with the cowering Bischoff. Jay then delivered two of the worst looking clotheslines in history. After an attempted double-team move that saw Hogan inadvertently hit Bischoff, Kevin Eubanks delivered a Diamond Cutter to Eazy E. Leno then made the cover and scored the win for his team, in a match that was akin to a car wreck -- horrendous, but viewers were unable to look away.
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Douglas Scarpa is a freelance writer, independent filmmaker, art school graduate, and pro wrestling aficionado -- all of which mean he is in financial ruin. He has no backup plan to speak of, yet maintains his abnormally high spirits. If he had only listened to the scorn of his childhood teachers, he wouldn't be in this situation.