Hulk Hogan's 26 Losses - From Cleanest To Screwiest

7. SuperBrawl IX - Sting

Hulk Hogan lying down Halloween Havoc 1999

So, the month after Hogan and Sting tanked the main event of WCW's biggest show ever, they had a rematch. Sting wasn't champion, though, because Hogan protested the screwy finish from Starrcade, and was granted a rematch on Nitro that also ended screwily. A second rematch was signed for SuperBrawl VIII, but let's be real. If Hogan wasn't doing a clean job at Starrcade, it definitely wasn't in the cards at the throwaway February show.

At least it wasn't another Montreal rehash: this finish revolved around the Scorpion Death Drop. As Hogan fell, he somehow kicked the referee and knocked him out, causing successive run-ins from Randy Savage, Scott Norton, Buff Bagwell, Vincent, Konnan and Brian Adams. 

In the ensuing memes, Savage turned on Hogan and clocked him with a handy can of nWo Spray Paint ©. And that, children, is how WCW's biggest hero finally vanquished the big bad of the nWo: on his third try, after capitalizing on illegal interference, playing second fiddle to an overplayed Hogan/Savage beef.

Rating: Disappointment of the Decade

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Long-time fan (scholar?) of professional wrestling, kaiju films and comparative mythology. Aspiring two-fisted adventurer.