Hulk Hogan's 26 Losses - From Cleanest To Screwiest
6. No Way Out 2003 - The Rock
Say, fans! Remember this epic rematch from WrestleMania X8? Yeah, neither did I until I stumbled across it during research for this article.
By this point, Hogan was well into his red-and-yellow nostalgia run, while Rock had reached his final form: smarmy, self-important, leather-vested Hollywood Rock. You'd think that those character alignments might make this an under-the-radar classic, but, uh, no.
That's not quite fair. The first parts of the match are fun, mostly due to the efforts of Hollywood Rock. The finish is pure garbage, though: Hogan goes for the pin following a Big Leg, but the lights go out ECW style and when they come back the referee is dead.
Only NO, there was a lighting conspiracy between Vince McMahon, Rock and the referee, who was secretly evil Canadian Sylvain Grenier. As Hogan was parading around pantomiming "I think something fishy is going on re: the lights", Grenier passed Rock a chair and counted a three after Hogan got nailed with it.
Best part: McMahon cartoonishly cupping his hands to his ears in a homemade "NOTHING LIVES FOREVER" t-shirt after the match.
Rating: Montreal Screwy