Impact Wrestling Bound For Glory 2020: 10 Things That Must Happen

9. Heath Wins Big

Jordynne Grace Bound For Glory
IMPACT Wrestling

So, let's get this one out the way early - Heath is winning the second annual Call Your Shot Gauntlet Match. He just is.

'The Hottest Free Agent' has had a mixed run in Impact since arriving at Slammiversary, with his rehashed 2016 storyline offering its share of highs and lows. In more recent weeks, though, it's been majorly positives to note. #Heath4Impact proved to be a major success, as executive vice president Scott D'Amore gave him chance after chance.

He simply needs to win the bout. If he loses, then not only are he and Rhino out of Impact for good, but it would also render the past three months pointless. Why would it be built up towards Heath finally earning the big-money contract he believes he deserves, only to have someone random, such as Hernandez, come out on top instead?

What awaits the former Nexus member post-Bound For Glory will be intriguing to say the least, however, if history is anything to go by, you can bet your money on he and 'The War Machine' chasing those World Tag Team Championships.


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.